株式会社アルリオーネ 代表取締役
ブランド:Takamichi Kumazaki
直営店 Alrione
杉野学園ドレスメーカー学院デザインアート科卒業。大学を卒業、4年間ドレメで学んだ後、ハナエ・モリのプレタ部門でチーフデザイナー、その他、アパレルでデザイナー兼MDを経験、NY州立Fashion工科大学に留学。アパレル会社と直営店を経営。元杉野服飾大学学長補佐・主任教授。パソコンで実践教育を指導。アメリカ大手企業(NY本社)が、パリ、ミラノ、NY、日本などから各国5名のデザイナーを選考。約6国の中から1名に選ばれ海外で活動(チーフアドバイザー)。全国ファッションデザインコンテスト1位、国際羊毛事務局主催デザインコンテスト金賞。東京新人クリエーターズコレクション審査員(アパレルアーク・熊崎高道ネット賞設立):ファッションビジネス学会(本部:文化学園大学) IT時代のファッションビジネスの研究部会 代表責任者:目黒区ファッション街づくり・設立:代表責任者 主な著書 「服飾がわかる事典」発行:日本実業出版社など。
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〒153-0064 目黒区下目黒2-4-17
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Graduation from Design Art course of Sugino Gakuen Dress Maker Gakuin. After graduating University, Kumazaki studied at Dress Maker Gakuin for four years. Kumazaki experienced working as chief designer in Hanae Mori Pret-a-porter section and working as a designer and MD of other apparel companies until he went to New York State College of Fashion Technology. Kumazaki ran apparel companies and directly-managed stores. He was a former Assistant Chancellor of Sugino Fashion College and its chief professor of business using computers. He is selected one of five designers from several countries as France, Italy, USA, Japan and the others by a major USA company based in NY where he was pointed as a chief designer of one of six countries and participated in foreign planning meeting. Kumazaki won the first award at National fashion Design contest and he won the Gold award at the international Wool Mark Company. He was a judge for Tokyo New Face Creators Collection, (establishing Apparel Ark, Takamichi Kumazaki Net Award). He became a director of Section “Fahion Business in the IT Age” in Fashion Business Society (head office at Bunka Gakuen College). He established Meguro-Ward fashion city Boulevard, and became the operation director. Kumazaki wrote "Fukushoku ga wakaru jiten (The dictionary for making clothes)"published from Nippon Jitsugyo Publishing,etc.
PRESS contact
Main Shop
Alrione Co.,Ltd.
3-10-5 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063, Japan
TEL +81-3-3791-3632
FAX +81-3-3791-3632
URL www.alrione.com/
Shinichi Wakui
TEL +81-3-3791-3632
FAX +81-3-3791-3632
E-Mail info@alrione.com
101 Canyon Mansion,
2-4-17 Shimo Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan
TEL +81-3-3492-5230
E-Mail info@meguro-fashion.com
URL www.meguro-fashion.com |